Day 9: Spread the Light!

Goal: Light THROUGH You
Theme: Social
Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/10)

Here’s an easy challenge for you! It will only take a few minutes and a few keystrokes.

Click the icons below to go to the church’s social platforms and invite your friends to join you for our Christmas service!  

❤️ Give the Christmas posts some love (posts with more love reach more people)!

@ Tag a friend in the comments of our Christmas posts and let them know you'd love for them to join you.

🔁 Share the posts on your social media page - add comments inviting your friends to the service.

Some reasons to come:

  • Dynamic praise & worship to bring in the Christmas spirit

  • Inspirational sermon

  • Family-friendly activities after the service (including free family photos in front of a Christmas backdrop, hot chocolate and refreshments, and much more)

And if you haven’t already done so, please follow the church’s social media accounts.

Don’t use social media? No worries. You can send a text invite to a friend asking them to celebrate Christmas with you. 

-Pastor Rob


Day 10: A.R.K. - Acts of Random Kindness


Day 8: Service Sunday: You are the Light!