Day 3 - Something You Do Everyday

Goal: Light THROUGH You

Theme: Minister

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5/10)

Today’s challenge is something you already do every single day. Remember those three names you wrote down yesterday? The ones God put on your heart? All you have to do is text those three people. Super easy, right? Think about how many texts you send daily. Today’s challenge is just to send three.

Pull out those names and shoot them a text that says something like:

  • “Hi, you’ve been on my mind? Just wanted to check in and see how you’re doing?”

  • “Hi, how’s your week been? You were on my heart this week.”

  • “Just wanted to let you know that I’m thinking of you! How are you?”

  • “I was going to take some time to pray today and wondered if there is something I could pray for you about?”

Super simple. Block out about 15 minutes today, pull out your phone, and text them. The goal is to let them know you’re there for them and that prayer works.

You got this!

God Bless,

Pastor Rob

P.S. If you missed yesterday's challenge, you can combine it with today’s and get all caught up.


Day 4 - Are You Plugged In Yet?


Day 2 - A Simple Act of Light