Day 12: A Christmas Invitation
Goal: Hope THROUGH You
Theme: Social
Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐⭐️ (7/10)
Have you taken a moment yet this year to reflect on the importance of Christmas and the impact the message of Christmas has on your life? It’s too amazing to keep to yourself, right? Today's challenge is all about inviting others to experience the light of Christmas in their life. So, let's go ahead and share!
Step 1 - Post a Christmas invite to your friends on social media. When you create your post answer these two questions: Why are you so excited to celebrate Christmas? How could someone join you in celebrating with your church?
Step 2 - Remember the three people you prayed for from Day' 2’s challenge? Or the friends or family that responded to your prayer request from Day 10’s challenge? Shoot them a text invite. Remember, they might say no, and that’s okay. “No” now doesn’t mean “no” forever. Plus, if we don’t ask at all, it's for sure a “no.” The great Wayne Gretzky was once quoted as saying, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” Step out in faith, “take a shot,” and trust that the Lord will guide your words.
Keep it upbeat and relational. Don’t be afraid of a “no.” Again, this might plant a seed that will grow later.
You got this!
-Pastor Rob
P.S. If you’re reading this and not a member of Point of Grace, that’s okay. Feel free to invite your friends and family to your home church!